snake at 16 *32 Led Matrix

Tools used at this project:
1-p10(1r)-v701c (16*32 monocolor led matrix).
2- pic18f45k22.

How it works ?
p10(1r)-v701c (16*32 monocolor led matrix)

p10(1r)-v701c is a common anode display matrix .this picture is a simple diagram to led matrix as you can see the sixteen row are divided into four groups . each line in a group is connected to its opposite lines in other groups .for example if line (1) is on this mean that not only (1) is on but also (5,9,13) are one .rows are controlled through 3*8 encoder .columns are controlled by 16  eight bits shift register.every shift register control 8 vertical lines(vertical section) at certain horizontal group so to control all leds you need to send 16 byte through shift registers.example:let the first byte sent was 0x00 and the other bytes were 0xff .at this case the first 32 bit at the bottom of (patt1) are ready to be switched on depending on the active row .if row(4) is activated rows(8,12,16) are activated too and the 8 leds at the left bottom of the led matrix will be on .if row(3) is activated rows(7,11,15) are activated too and the 8 leds above previous leds will be activated and so on .


code is written in c and compiled by Mikroc for pic. press here to download the code.


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